Implementing Sustainable Development-Taipower and Sustainability-Taipower Sustainability Section - Taiwan Power Company

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Structure of the Sustainable Development Commission


In 2009, Taipower established a Sustainable Development Commission (SDC). The Chairman, one of the highest-level positions at Taipower, is in charge of the Commission and responsible for hosting SDC meetings and guiding the Company's sustainable development. The SDC has three subordinate promotion teams: the Management Development Promotion Team, the Sustainable Environment Promotion Team, and the Social Responsibility Promotion Team. As coordinators, Vice Presidents are responsible for planning and promoting sustainable development.


The SDC focuses on Taipower's future development. The Company created a Sustainable Development Plan with five major sustainable development profiles, including Provider of Sustainable Power, Leader of Smart Grid Development, Provider of Services for Smart Living, Agent of Environmental Friendliness, and Practitioner of Corporate Social Responsibilities. The Company set various strategies with 2030 identified as a key milestone. Continuous reviews and improvements are implemented each year as key component of Taipower's sustainable development.

Structure of the Sustainable Development Commission

Structure of the Sustainable Development Commission

Actual Performance in 2022


Under the Chairman’s guidance, Vice Presidents and external experts have reviewed and provided feedback on the Sustainable Development Plan and materiality topics proposed by the steering groups. The results of sustainable development will be reported to the Board of Directors in 2022.

Name of Meeting Responsibilities Actual Performance in 2022
Sustainable Development Commission Meeting Planned the Company's long-term sustainable development, established material topics and approved the Company's Sustainable Development Blueprint
  • Convened 1 meeting
Steering Committee Meetings Formulated the Sustainable Development Plan and short, medium and long-term goals
  • Convened 3 meetings
Sustainable Development Profiles Meetings Executed and followed up on short-term goals
  • Meetings were convened when necessary



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