Taipower Sustainable Development Plan-Taipower and Sustainability-Taipower Sustainability Section - Taiwan Power Company

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Provider of Sustainable Power

  • T-SDG 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well- being
    T-SDG 7:Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
    T-SDG 13:Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impact

T-SDG 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well- being

T-SDG 7:Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

T-SDG 13:Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impact

Expanding the Pathway Promoting Gas Expansion and Coal Reduction Developing Renewable Energy
Action Plans Promote low-carbon energy, such as gas-fired power generation to ensure a stable power supply Improve efficiency of conventional thermal power units to enhance environmental quality through recycling and reduce fossil fuel consumption Promote carbon-free fuel co-firing plans and introduce carbon fixation technologies to reduce carbon emissions while ensuring a stable power supply Address climate change impacts and adaptation on the power supply side Promote renewable energy power generation plans and expand the development of zero carbon energy While ensuring a stable power supply, increase the proportion of clean energy (renewables, gas) generation in the Taipower system Increase the proportion of self-produced energy (Renewable energy) and maintain the long-term power supply in order to reduce supply chain risks in the fight against infectious diseases
Measuring Indicators Cumulative capacity of gas- fired power units Average Efficiency of In-house Thermal Power Units (Excluding Purchased Power) Introduce ammonia co-firing technology Introduce hydrogen co-firing technology Push forward the construction of pilot fields for carbon capture and storage The reliability of the power supply under extreme weather conditions The accumulated total capacity of Taiwan Power Company Grid connection capacity of the Taipower system Proportion of clean fuel (renewables, gas) generation Proportion of self-produced power generation (Renewable energy) in the Taipower System
12,829 MW 41.58% A meeting on the Linkou Ammonia Blending Demonstration Project was held on March 13, 2023 to discuss the division of labor between the two parties. The Hsinta Power Plant’s GT3-3 combined cycle gas turbine unit successfully achieved the 5% hydrogen blending efficiency target. Carbon capture: The comparison table for changes in the environmental impact statement of the Taichung Thermal Power Plant Carbon Storage and Injection Project (2,000 tons/year) was revised and approved by the Ministry of Environment. Related bidding documents will be prepared in the future. Completed a parallel research plan for the climate change adaptation of the power generation system, and conducted a climate change risk assessment. Each power plant established standard operating procedures to conduct rolling reviews of related measures each year. 2,563.7MW 17,085MW The power generation ratio is 36.5% coal-fired (including 2.4% coal and cogeneration), 44.1% gas, 7% nuclear, 9.9% renewable energy, and 2.5% from other (fuel oil and pumped storage). 9.9%(Approximately 24.3 billion kWh)

25,924MW Higher than 47% One of the Linkou Power Plant units has successfully completed the demonstration of 5% mixed ammonia use The increase in hydrogen blending ratio will be reassessed based on the domestic hydrogen production capacity, energy infrastructure, and hydrogen storage and transportation technologies A carbon capture demonstration plant is planned for 1 million metric tons of CO2 per year The system has formulated an action plan for power facility adaptation as part of its strategic planning (excluding outlying islands) The cumulative total capacity is 4,522.3 megawatts (MW) The system's grid-connected capacity is 41,718 megawatts (MW) The generation ratio of the Taipower system is 30% for coal, 50% for gas, 20% for renewables source The percentage reached 24.1% (approximately 68 billion kt)
  • For the complete plan please click "Read more"

Leader of Smart Grid Development

  • T-SDG 7:Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
    T-SDG 11 : Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

T-SDG 7:Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

T-SDG 11 : Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Expanding the Pathway Enhancing Grid Resilience Accelerating Energy Storage Applications
Action Plans Establish a smart grid to improve power supply quality and operational efficiency Strengthen information security, build a cloud data center, and improve backbone/regional fiber optic communications capabilities Promote applications of big data and AI on operational and maintenance information for transmission systems to reduce the System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) value Promote smart grids and introduce the construction of IEC 61850 smart substations Consolidate the information communication and smart management systems, optimize transmission and substation asset management systems, and establish predictive maintenance capabilities Increase the quantity of energy storage equipment built on company-owned sites, and expand procurement of rapid auxiliary services
Measuring Indicators Reduction in the line loss rate Information security protection Cloud data center construction Reduction in the national power outage time (SAIDI) value Construct IEC 61850 smart substations Continued optimization of the transmission and substation asset management systems Cumulative storage capacity built on owned sites and procurement of rapid auxiliary services
  • Expanded intrusion detection systems in program-controlled areas (power distribution and dispatch systems).
  • Introduced KPI and established an evaluation mechanism for information security management.
  • Continued to provide SOC services (including program- controlled site health inspection and isolation test items).
  • Continued to deploy endpoint detection and response (EDR) software for monitoring IT offices.
  • Completed the civil engineering and building structure for the Changhua Cloud Data Center on November 28, 2023.
  • Awarded a tender for the Yuan-Hsin Cloud Data Center Computer Room Design and Construction Supervision Technical Service Project on July 18, 2023.
15.225min / household / year Completed 68 substations
  • Developed an automatic update function for user permissions in the substation equipment asset management system.
  • Continued to optimize the performance of the transmission equipment asset management system.
Total of 680.9MW:
  • Self-built 100 MW:The Tainan Salt Field Solar Energy Storage System (20 MW)、The Luyuan Energy Storage projects (20 MW)、The Longtan Energy Storage (60MW)
  • Ancillary Services: 580.9 MW:Bilateral contracts: 15MW、Qualified trading capacity: 565.9MW
Year-on-year rolling reviews (Referring to the "Smart Grid Master Plan" target of 4.42%) Continue to improve the overall security protection capabilities of the smart grid Complete the construction of a third cloud data center (Taichung), which can accommodate 2,000 March 2022 cabinets Reduce the national power outage time (SAIDI) value to 15.5 min / household / year Rolling reviews will be conducted based on the actual construction of IEC 61850 smart substations Consolidate and reinforce transmission and substation equipment management to implement CBM goals and improve outage prevention capabilities The capacity of energy storage can be increased with the improvement of performance and economic value. Taipower shall implement flexible and continuous reviews based on generation capacity and load conditions
  • For the complete plan please click "Read more"

Provider of Services for Smart Living

  • T-SDG 11 : Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
    T-SDG 12:Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

T-SDG 11 : Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

T-SDG 12:Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Expanding the Pathway Implementing Digital Transformation Promoting Energy Conservation
Action Plans Plan the IP of the entire fiber optics communication system in Taiwan to increase bandwidth and enhance reliability Promote the infrastructure development of low- voltage AMI smart meter infrastructure Refine customer services Assist in the promotion of home energy management systems (Xems)
Measuring Indicators Establishment of an ultra- high-speed optical cable communication system around the island Deployment of smart meters Taipower APP Memberships The number of transactions via new technology payment channels for each period Cloud-based services Advanced value-added services on the high-voltage user service portal Number of visits to the Power Consumption Examination Center's website The proportion of households receiving electricity Encourage users to build their HEMS through demonstration sites and continue to cooperate with energy industry players to jointly promote, explore and develop value-added applications, and provide innovative business models
Completed the construction of a round-island, ultra-high-speed IP optical fiber communication system with backbone / regional transmission capacity reaching 100G / 10G. Completed the deployment of a total of 2.707 million smart meters. 1,600,000 users Reached 1.5 million transactions for each period. 41,000 users per year. Two value-added services ("Batch Production Time-of-Use Rate Trial Calculation" and "Today's Electricity Consumption Dashboard") were completed. A total of 6 value-added services have been completed since 2020. 246,000 people 100% Completed the revision of regulations and establishment of operating procedures, and announced a revision to the "Principles for Promoting Cooperation in User Energy Management Services" on November 2, 2023. This expands the scope of promotion to low- voltage users (including B&Bs, shops, factories, and green energy sites) to facilitate cooperation with third-parties and jointly promote energy management services with energy management companies.
Establish a communication network system for next-generation Communication technology Complete the deployment of a total of 6 million smart meters after a continuous review of deployment benefits 1,500,000 Reach 1.5 million transactions for each period Number of cloud payment receipts will reach 300,000 per year Add at least 6 additional advanced, value-added services 310,000 Except in cases for which legal restrictions exist, Taipower will provide electricity services and maintain a 100% rate of electricity applications Explore and develop value- added applications and provide innovative business models through cross-industry alliances
  • For the complete plan please click "Read more"

Agent of Environmental Friendliness

  • T-SDG 13:Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impact
  • T-SDG 12:Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
    T-SDG 14: Conserve and sustainably use the marine ecosystems, and prevent the degradation of marine  environment
    T-SDG 15: Conserve and sustainably use terrestrial ecosystems to ensure the persistence of biodiversity and prevent land degradation

T-SDG 13:Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impact

T-SDG 12:Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

T-SDG 14: Conserve and sustainably use the marine ecosystems, and prevent the degradation of marine environment

T-SDG 15: Conserve and sustainably use terrestrial ecosystems to ensure the persistence of biodiversity and prevent land degradation

Expanding the Pathway Enhancing climate change adaptation
Action Plans Improve mitigation and adaptation capabilities
Measuring Indicators Net decrease of emission intensity at thermal power generating units (Greenhouse Emissions) from 2016 levels Climate adaptation actions

Decreased by 8% Completed parallel work for climate change adaptation of the power generation system, and completed renewable energy climate change risk assessment and identification.
Decrease by 20% Complete the Company's overall climate risk assessment report and communications.
Expanding the Pathway Creating a circular business model
Action Plans Establish a circular business model Restore marine ecosystems and cleaning coastal environments Restore the ecological balance in the vicinity of power facilities and maintain environmental preservation
Measuring Indicators The proportion of wastewater recycled at thermal power plants Circular product supply models Marine ecological restoration, conservation and development of marine pastures Ecological integration plan for power facilities
75.5% Completed and released Taipower Circular Construction Implementation Guidelines. Completed an analysis and research report on the business model for the Linkou Marine Pasture. Released a video and a project results report on the Hsinta Power Plant’s ecological integration.
85% Complete the Circular Economy Demonstration Highlight Project. Complete construction of one marine pasture around a power plant to facilitate marine ecological restoration. Complete at least 5 ecological integration plans around power facilities to promote ecological restoration and environmental maintenance at power facilities.
  • For the complete plan please click "Read more"

Practitioner of Corporate Social Responsibility

  • T-SDG 1: Strengthen social care services and economic security for the disadvantaged
    T-SDG 8: Promote stained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all
  • T-SDG 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
    T-SDG 11: Make cities and human settlement inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

T-SDG 1: Strengthen social care services and economic security for the disadvantaged

T-SDG 8: Promote stained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all

T-SDG 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

T-SDG 11: Make cities and human settlement inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Expanding the Pathway Building a happy electricity industry Deepening social participation
Action Plans Improve occupational safety Establish a happy workplace culture Deepen social care activities
Measuring Indicators Employee injury rates Contract labor injury rates Employee satisfaction with internal communications Rate of participation in Employees' Heart-to-Heart assistance programs (81 in total) that care for employees Cumulative investments and number of people reached by social care activities Cumulative investment in electricity discounts for disadvantaged Groups; Number of beneficiary households Cumulative investment in the Power Development and Assistance Fund and the number of beneficiary townships/ districts
0.20 0.31 84% There were a total of 25 Heart-to-Heart employee assistance programs in 2023 (accounting for 30.86%). Invested over NT$592.6 million and reached over 57,000 people. Discounts of NT$136.1 million were issued for 169,000 beneficiaries. Total investment of NT$3.02645 billion with 126 beneficiary townships / districts.
≦ 0.1 ≦ 0.18 Employee satisfaction with internal communication ≥ 65% Rate of participation in Employees' Heart-to-Heart assistance programs (81 in total) that care for employees ≧ 30%. Invest NT$6.6 billion and reach 800,000 people. Discounts of NT$960 million with 1.76 million beneficiaries. Total investment of NT$27.5 billion with 1,100 beneficiary townships/districts.
Expanding the Pathway Deepening social participation
Action Plans Disseminate accurate energy knowledge Promote the preservation and rejuvenation of cultural assets connected to the electricity industry
Measuring Indicators Cumulative number of people reached by diversified energy education Cumulative number of people reached by online promotions Sharing of electricity industry cultural assets Cumulative number of events and participants in annual cultural asset themed exhibitions, forums, book series sharing sessions and other related activities Preserved electricity industry cultural sites
Reached over 837,000 Number of visitors. Reached 40.64 million Number of visitors. A total of 400 cases of inventorying and documenting electrical industry cultural relics have been conducted. Held one session on Taiwan's power industry cultural path.
  • The "Taiwan Electricity Heritage Collection Center" was opened in December 2023 and began organizing and digitizing cultural relics.
  • Permanent exhibition halls for electricity cultural relics have been established in Northern, Central, Southern, and Eastern Taiwan.
6.6 million Number of visitors. 231 million people. Launch an online database of historical relics from the electrical industry in 2028 to create a future cultural resource sharing environment and research platform; Continue to promote social communication and education on cultural power. Organize special cultural exhibitions, forums and other related activities, with a total of more than 25 events, or a total of 150,000 participants.
  • Launch the Yuan-Hsin Literature and History Library in 2030 as a professional site for research, the display of promotions and the preservation of cultural assets by the Company.
  • Establish permanent exhibition halls for electrical heritage in the Northern, Central, Southern and Eastern regions of Taiwan in 2030. Commit to the preservation of local electrical literature. Serve as the main base for the Company's other types of exhibition spaces (museum complex).
  • For the complete plan please click "Read more"



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