Building A Happy Electricity Industry-Practitioner of Corporate Social Responsibility-ESG Development Profiles-Taipower Sustainability Section - Taiwan Power Company

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Building A Happy Electricity Industry

Human Resource Strategies

Taipower is facing a number of business challenges such as energy transition, low- carbon sustainability, and the development of a smart grid. As it does so, the Company must consider the talent pool required for future development while maintaining a stable power supply. Taipower reviews employees' core technical skills to resolve talent gaps and recruits necessary electricity specialists through diversified talent recruitment strategies. The Company employs various training systems and measures to pass on electrical technology knowledge and experience, and to enhance the professional and cross-disciplinary skills of its employees.

Total Number of Employees and the Ratio of Male/Female Employees from 2021 to 2023

Employees 2021 2022 2023
Employees % Employees % Employees %
Local Employees Male 23,392 84.0% 23,416 83.4% 23,349 82.8%
Female 4,468 16.0% 4,663 16.6% 4,864 17.2%
Direct Personnel Male 21,790 78.2% 21,883 77.9.% 22,017 78.1%
Female 2,544 9.1% 2,712 9.7% 2,853 10.1%
Indirect Personnel Male 1,602 5.8% 1,533 5.5% 1,332 4.7%
Female 1,924 6.9% 1,951 6.9% 2,011 7.1%
Total 27,860 28,079 28,213
  • Data acquisition is based on the payroll dated to December 2023.
  • Direct employees are personnel who fall under the categories of technical, sales and marketing employees at onsite departments. Indirect employees are personnel responsible for administrative support, including document processing, business affairs, general affairs, and accounting, etc.
  • Decimal points have been rounded.
  • Total employees = direct personnel + indirect personnel.
  • Taipower employees are all located in Taiwan, and no employees are located abroad.

Number, Age, and Gender Distribution of Employee Recruitments/Resignations

Statistics of New Employees
Statistics of Resigned Employees
2021 2022 2023
Male Female Male Female Male Female
Under 30 1,148 295 1,034 262 845 275
31-50 451 207 482 235 469 223
Over 51 20 4 13 2 22 6
Total 1,619 506 1,529 499 1,336 504
Total 2,125 2,028 1,840
2021 2022 2023
Male Female Male Female Male Female
Under 30 244 44 278 48 282 45
31-50 160 152 213 156 240 148
Over 51 1,381 132 991 108 918 105
Total 1,785 328 1,482 312 1,440 298
Total 2,113 1,794 1,738
1.The number of departing employees includes both those on extended leave without pay and retirees.
2.The statistics for each year represent the number of recruits and employee resignations from January to December of the current year.

Human Resource Training

The professional nature of work at Taipower has made it necessary for the Company to respond to changes in the internal and external environment by effectively cultivating future talent. Therefore, Taipower has built a complete talent training system and continuously improves that system as well as the software and hardware of its employee care.

Training Type
Training Subject
Number of Participants (in 2023)
Development training New dispatch personnel orientation training 652
Fundamental development training 435
Total 1,087
On-the-job training Professional training Organized by the Training Institute 11,658
Organized by other units 65,787
External training 4,365
Total 81,810
Manager training On-the-job training for managers 1,234
Skill cultivation for managers 602
Total 1,836
Cooperative education Recommendations for graduate school Master's degree 3
Total 3
Total 84,736



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