DER Integration
Demand response

In order to increase the reliability of power supply and efficiency of power utilization, Taipower has accommodated customers with load management by adopting Demand Response Programs since 1979, with the first program of TOU Rate. The following programs have been implemented at present:

  1. Time of Use Rate
  2. Seasonal Rate
  3. Preferential rate for Ice Storage Central Air-Conditioning System
  4. Demand Response & Load Management Program
    a. Scheduled Load Reduction Program
    b. Emergency Load Reduction Program
    c. Demand Bidding Program
    d. Intelligent Load Reduction Program

The performance of demand response programs

In order to reduce the demand for power and the growth of peak load, Taipower has implemented demand response program to encourage customers to transfer the period of production process from peak load to off-peak load. In August 2023, which was the month with the most users joining “Demand Response & Load Management Programs (excluding Interruptible Air Conditioning Program)”, 3,146 customers applied and the amount of contracted reduction load was 2,748 MW. During the night peak day (Jul 6, 2023), the peak load was clipped by 1,166MW.

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