Customer Empowerment Satisfaction
Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction survey

Each year, MOEA commissions a professional research company to do our company’s customer satisfaction survey. In 2023, our customer satisfaction reaches96.4%.

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In the Customer Opinion Mailbox, we received 5,675 pieces of feedback from any customers in 2023. 5,613 cases (98.91%) were replied within 5 working days. Also, there were 437 pieces of satisfaction survey questionnaires , and 392 of them were satisfied(89.70%).

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Website usage satisfaction

The High Voltage Customer Service Portal registration rate in 2023 was as high as 91.7%, and the contracted capacity of registered users accounted for 97.2% of the total. The analysis of the annual website usage satisfaction showed that 928 users completed the questionnaire and satisfied users accounted for 87.8%. In terms of function usage, users with the three functions of “basic data”, “comparison of electricity bills of different periods”, and “Power consumption analysis” thought that the most helpful and satisfied.

In the future, this website will still focus on user experience & satisfaction and continue to optimize visual charts to bring users specific energy management benefits and innovative service experiences.

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Open Information Online Hosting Capacity Map

At present, the renewable energy only parallels some feeders, resulting in insufficient grid connection capacity of feeders. In order to solve this kind of problem, Taiwan Power Company has built “Open Information Online Hosting Capacity Map “(shown in Figure) through which the external users can query the grid connection capacity, feeder distance and evaluate the investment benefit. In addition, in order to help the renewable energy industry understand the progress of the application cases, Taiwan Power Company also build a website for renewable energy industry to accelerated renewable energy growth.


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