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Taiwan Power Research Institute Taiwan Power Company Logo

A world-class research and testing institution leading the sustainable development of Taipower Group

Group Overview (Research Area)

  • Name of Department ManagerTsao, Chao-Yang
  • Specialty Background of Department Manager

    Renewable energy,  Power system monitoring and control

  • Public Department Mailbox

Group Overview (Research Area)

Research Group for Electrical Power Equipment Intelligent Diagnosis and Disaster Prevention Technology

1.Research on the application of meteorological observation IoT in electrical power transmission tower structure safety monitoring technology

2.Research on electrical power equipment condition monitoring and diagnosis technology

3.Research and development of automatic identification system applied in 161kV Taiwan-Penghu submarine power cable early warning and maintenance technology

4.Research on lightning detection and lightning disaster prevention technology

5.Research on insulator characteristics and salt contamination prevention technology

Dynamic Simulation Analysis and Test Group

1. Research on power equipment hardware-in-the-loop technology

  • Power hardware-in-the-loop (PHIL) testing and research
  • Control hardware-in-the-loop (CHIL) testing and research

2. Real-time dynamic simulation analysis of transmission networks

  • Real-time dynamic simulation analysis of 345kV and 161kV transmission systems
  • Real-time dynamic simulation analysis of transmission lines and substation equipment
