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Taiwan Power Research Institute Taiwan Power Company Logo

A world-class research and testing institution leading the sustainable development of Taipower Group

Group Overview (Research Area)

  • Name of Department ManagerChen, Hsiao-Wei
  • Specialty Background of Department Manager

    R&D management, administrative decision-making, science and technology innovation management, value chain analysis, micro-algae carbon sequestration and reuse technology

  • Public Department Mailbox

Group Overview (Research Area)


Business Introduction of the R&D Planning Office
We are responsible for the strategic planning and management of research and experimental business, and the overall operation improvement and management innovation within the Institute, and actively promote domestic and international cooperation and exchanges, assist TPC in achieving the goals of sustainable operation, energy transformation and creating growth advantages.

Highlights of the R&D Planning Office

  • Introducing the technology management mechanism for targeted R&D investment
    n response to changes in the electric power operation environment, we have introduced a technology management mechanism to precisely set up a R&D portfolio. Currently, [6] has become a research and testing service to meet demand of all units; [3] has become an investment in forward-looking technology research and applications; and [1] coordinates government policy to lead the electric power market and industrial upgrading and development to ensure fulfillment of operational requirements, forward-looking research and policy coordination.

  • Promoting organizational transformation planning of the institute
    In line with the Company's transformation goals, the Institute is positioned in the core role for overall implementation of the Group's R&D strategy and plan, to assist TPC in achieving key operation goals such as stable power supply, energy transformation and sustainable operation. Therefore, with the idea of becoming an innovation engine to drive TPC's innovative growth and strengthen its competitive advantage, the Institute has planned the organizational transformation to build it into an international research and development laboratory.
  • Introducing digital R&D management platform to optimize R&D processes and increase efficacy
  • Diversified technical innovations
    Start with importing creative thinking of start-ups, learn from other organizations' success in diversified transformation, study and analyze our technical outcome projects which may fuel diversified technological innovation, and further research and plan its diversified innovation application market and commercial application models, promote R&D technology innovation mechanisms, and integrate with growth of a diversified new electric industry.

  • Strengthening international links to expand exchange activities
    Actively promote overseas R&D cooperation and information exchange activities between the Institute and organizations including..., conform to the development trends of the international electric industry. Recently, due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, we have switched to using video conferencing to continue technical exchanges with well-known overseas organizations in the electrical industry to really grasp the industrial trends and pulse of the industry.
