Page 27 - 台電綜合研究所簡介About TPRI
P. 27

    發電鍋爐材料壽命評估技術
                     Life Management Technologies for Utilities Boiler

                 1. 鍋爐組件材料壽命評估技術(Technologies in Evaluating Remaining Life for the
                     Major Components of Utility Boilers)

                 2. 鍋爐爐管破損肇因分析與改善對策(The Root Cause Analysis of the Failure Parts
                     and Countermeasures for Improvement of Boiler Components)

                 3. 超  超  臨  界  鍋  爐  材  料  高  溫  性  質  研  究  與  老  化  評  估  技  術  (Study  of  High  Temperature
                     Properties and Degradation Evaluation of Ultra-supercritical Materials)

                 4. 鍋爐監診系統開發與應用(Development  and  Application  of  Boiler  Diagnosis

                 5. 鍋爐組件新製與銲接加工技術(Technologies in Developing Renew Manufacture
                     Components and Welding for Utility Boilers)

                                     Drone inspection, image recognition and failure analysis

                                                    Boiler Diagnosis System

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