Page 32 - 台電綜合研究所簡介About TPRI
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負載管理研究室  Load Management Research Lab

                   需求面電能分析與運用技術
                    Demand Side Electric Energy Analysis and Application


                1. 儲能需量反應試驗與效益分析(A Study on Storing Energy Demand Response Trial
                    and Analysis)

                2. 時間帶調整試行及電價制度精進研究(A Study on the Time-of-use Pilot and Rate
                3. 整合新興分散式資源應用於電力調度之技術規範研析(Research  and  Analysis  on
                    Technical  Specifications  of  Integrating  Emerging  Distributed  Resources  for
                    Power Dispatching)

                4. 區 域 用 電 與 預 測 冷 氣 資 訊 分 析 可 視 化 應 用 研 究 (The  Study  on  Visualization
                    Application  of  Demand  Forecasting  and  Energy  Efficiency  in  Countrywide
                    Cooling Load)

                5. 自   動  需  量  反  應  措  施  精  進  與  推  動  模  式  探  討  研  究  (The  Study  of  Enhancement  to
                    Automatic Demand Response Programs and Service Model Promotion)

                6. 整合電動車之虛擬電廠商業模式試驗研究(A Trial of Virtual Power Plant Integrating
                    Electric Vehicle Business Model)

                7. 暫態特徵之非侵入式家電負載解析平台開發與商業化試驗(The Study on
                    Development of Non-Intrusive Appliance Load Monitoring Solution Platform
                    and Business Application Trial)

                8. 智慧用戶應用於家居照護場域驗證之商業模式研究(Business Model Study of Smart
                    User Application for Elderly Care)
                9. 再生能源導入下系統失載機率與負載調整之研究(Loss of Load Probability and Load
                    Modification  under  Increased  Penetration  of  Renewable  Energy  Resources  in
                    Power Systems)

                10. 高壓用戶需量反應特性查詢系統研究(Study  on  the  Inquiry  System  of  Demand
                    Response Characteristics of High Voltage Customers)

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