Page 24 - 台電綜合研究所簡介About TPRI
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6.   電業地理資訊及數據整合應用。
                      Development of geographic information and data integration applications in
                      the electrical industry

                         資通訊分析與應用研究組
                          Cybernetic Analysis and Integration Application Group

                     1.   太陽光電變流器資通訊分析與應用研究
                          Research on PV Inverter ICT analysis and application

                     2.   儲能系統資通訊分析與應用研究
                          ICT Analysis and Application Research of Energy Storage Systems

                     3.   電動載具資通訊分析與應用研究
                          Research on Analysis and Application of ICT of Electric Vehicle

                     4.   XMPP 資通訊檢測與應用研究
                          Research on XMPP ICT examination and application

                     5.   分散式能源資通訊分析與整合應用研究
                          Research on DER ICT analysis and integrated application

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