Page 19 - 台電綜合研究所簡介About TPRI
P. 19

智慧城市中  RIS  輔助訊號傳播的範例
                                      Example of RIS-assisted signal propagation in Smart Cities
                         資料來源:Kisseleff et al.: Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces For Smart Cities: Research
                                                   Challenges And Opportunities
                 11. 光通訊傳輸研究
                      Research of Optical Communication Transmission
                 12. 光學相關元件測試與試驗
                      Optical related component testing

                               5G  通訊網路架構圖                                    Laser diode structure
                     5G communication network Framework            資料來源:
                   資料來源:               sources-ii-the-laser-and-external-

                                                    WDM  網路架構圖
                                                  Architecture of a WDM Network
                 資料來源:S. Ghoniemy, "Enhanced Time and Wavelength Division Multiplexed Passive Optical
                 Network (TWDM-PON) for Triple-Play Broadband Service Delivery in FTTx Networks," 2018
                 International Conference on Computer and Applications (ICCA), 2018, pp. 419-426

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