Page 26 - 台電綜合研究所簡介About TPRI
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能源研究室 Energy Research Lab

                   發電渦輪機材料工程與壽命管理技術
                     Material Engineering and Life Management Technologies for
                     Power Turbine

                 1. 渦輪機材料壽命評估技術(Technologies in Evaluating the Remaining Life for the
                     Critical Turbine Components)

                 2. 氣渦輪機熱段組件再生處理及新製技術(Technologies  in  Refurbishment  and
                     Renew Manufacture Process for The Hot-section Components of Gas Turbine)
                 3. 渦輪機組件之破損肇因評估技術(Technology in Evaluating the Root Cause for The
                     Fracture of Turbine Components)

                 4. 渦 輪 機 組 件 之 氟 化 清 洗 及 硬 銲 製 程 技               術  (FIC  Cleaning  Process  and  Brazing
                     Technologies in Repairing of Turbine Components)

                 5. 渦輪機組件之雷射銲修技術(Technologies in Laser Welding Repairs of the Turbine

                                          Fig.1                              Fig.2

                                   M501F 內、外氣封之再生處理及西門子空壓段動、靜葉片經烤漆處理
                                   Showed the refurbishment products of M501F inlet and outlet seal.
                           Showed the coatings of the IGV, blades in Siemen’s gas turbine compressor’s stage.

                                     M501F 第一級靜葉應用 3D 列印技術進行局部區域之更換銲修
                     M501F first-stage static blade uses 3D printing technology to replace and repair local areas.

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