Page 8 - 台電綜合研究所簡介About TPRI
P. 8



                    為因應政府能源轉型、淨零排放等政策,支援政府「5+2 產業創新計畫」等
              事電網之擴充與升級,以及透過 5G、AI、大數據等技術,擴大智慧電網之應用

                    為加速淨零挑戰下對前瞻技術發展需求,規劃自 114 年開始,研究發展資
              源規劃將採「5-5 研發投資組合」策略,50%滿足公司營運需求、50%發展前瞻

                    Positioning and Operation Focus

                    As a research unit with core technology and professional skills, TPRI by

              following  the  company's  overall  development  goals  and  strategic
              directions, is committed to building the company's short-, medium-, and
              long-term research planning and innovative application of experimental
              technology,  and  through  the  establishment  of  core  technologies,

              international  exchanges  and  the  introduction  of  new  technologies,
              improving the company's operating performance and reducing operating
              costs, to enable Taipower to become a leader of electric industry.

                    To respond to the government's energy transition, net zero emissions

              and other  policies, to  support  the power  required by  the government's
              economic  development  policies  such  as  the  "5+2  Industrial  Innovation
              Plan", in addition to ensuring stable power supply, Taipower has to actively

              develop renewable energy, engage in the expansion and upgrading of the
              power grid, and expand the application scope of the smart grid through
              5G,  AI,  big  data  and  other  technologies,  and  promote  digital
              transformation and technological innovation.

                    To  accelerate  the  development  of  future  technologies  related  to
              achieving  net-zero  emissions,  the  research  and  development  resource
              allocation strategy will adopt a 5-5 R&D investment portfolio starting from
              the year 2025. This strategy allocates 50% of resources to meet company

              operational  needs  and  50%  for  foresight  technology  research  and
              application, aiming to achieve the goal of zero-carbon sustainability.

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