Page 13 - 台電綜合研究所簡介About TPRI
P. 13

。  創新電網管理暨應用系統
                      Innovated Management and Applications System of Grid

               1. 智慧電表基礎建設(AMI)精進改善與推廣  (Advanced  improvement  and
                  promotion of Advanced Metering Infrastructure)

               2. 針  對  智  慧  電  網  皆  進  行  各  種  系  統  及  功  能  開  發  ,  利  用  API介面提供整合應用
                  (Development and Application of the smart grid a variety of systems and
                  functional, which use of API interface to provide integrated applications)

               3. 配電系統運轉資料管理平台開發建置 (Development and construction of
                  distribution system operation data management platform)

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