Page 29 - 台電綜合研究所簡介About TPRI
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A Study on Maintenance Techniques of Smart Distribution
1. 用 戶 用 電 設 備 設 計 資 料 審 查 及 審 驗 圖 文 管 理 系 統 開 發 (To Develop the
Management System for the Customer Equipment's Design Review and Map
Information Verification)
2. 配電工程設計輔助圖面電腦化研究(Computerized Research on Auxiliary Design
of Power Distribution Engineering Design)
3. 封 印 鎖 管 理 機 制 探 討 與 管 理 系 統 建 置 之 研 究 (Study of Discussing Seal
Management Policy and Disposing Management System)
4. 結合用戶群代表服務提升需量反應執行成效之可行性研究(Feasibility Study on
Improving the Effectiveness of Demand Response Execution in Combination
with Aggregator Services)
5. 再生能源管理資訊系統精進研究(A Integration Research of Renewable Energy
Management System and Feeder Hosting Capacity Visualization System)
6. 饋線可併網容量視覺化系統精進研究(A Study of Improving Feeder Hosting
Capacity Visualization System)
7. 配電規劃資訊系統結合配電級再生能源可併容量查詢系統暨網頁化(To make the
web page of Distribution planning information system combined with Feeder
8. 電度表、變比器資訊數位化管理之研究
A Study on Digital Information Management of Power Meter and Transducer
9. 用戶用電設備設計資料應用 BIM 技術增進圖資交付與電腦輔助法規檢核之研究
Research on the application of BIM technology to the design data of consumer
electrical equipment to enhance the delivery of graphics and data and
computer-aided regulatory review