Page 27 - 台電綜合研究所簡介About TPRI
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負載管理研究室 Load Management Research Lab
Demand Side Electric Energy Analysis and Application
1. 時間帶調整試行及電價制度精進研究(A Study on the Time-of-use Pilot and Rate
2. 區 域 用 電 與 預 測 冷 氣 資 訊 分 析 可 視 化 應 用 研 究 (The Study on Visualization
Application of Demand Forecasting and Energy Efficiency in Countrywide
Cooling Load)
3. 自 動 需 量 反 應 措 施 精 進 與 推 動 模 式 探 討 研 究 (The Study of Enhancement to
Automatic Demand Response Programs and Service Model Promotion)
4. 整合電動車之虛擬電廠商業模式試驗研究(A Trial of Virtual Power Plant Integrating
Electric Vehicle Business Model)
System Architecture Diagram of Automatic Demand Response for TPC