Page 13 - 台電綜合研究所簡介About TPRI
P. 13
。 創新電網管理暨應用系統
Innovated Management and Applications System of Grid
1. 智慧電表基礎建設(AMI)精進改善與推廣 (Advanced improvement and
promotion of Advanced Metering Infrastructure)
2. 針 對 智 慧 電 網 皆 進 行 各 種 系 統 及 功 能 開 發 , 利 用 API介面提供整合應用
(Development and Application of the smart grid a variety of systems and
functional, which use of API interface to provide integrated applications)
3. 配電系統運轉資料管理平台開發建置 (Development and construction of
distribution system operation data management platform)
4. 電動車合宜運轉機制 (Proper operation mechanism of electric vehicle)