Page 10 - 台電綜合研究所簡介About TPRI
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電力研究室 Electric Power Research Lab

                    電力系統分析及改善技術

                      Technology of Power System Analysis and Improvement
                 1. 再生能源及儲能設備之虛擬慣量提供  (Provision  of  virtual  inertia  through
                     renewable energy and energy storage devices)
                 2. 飛輪及同步調相機實現慣量調節  (Implementation  of  inertia  regulation  using
                     flywheels and synchronous phase adjusters)
                 3. 智慧型電網規劃與推動 (Planning and Development of Smart Grid)
                 4. 電力系統有關電力潮流、故障電流、電壓穩定度、動態穩定度、暫態穩定度、保護
                     協調、虛擬慣量等分析技術 (Power System Analysis - Power Flow, Fault Current,
                     Voltage  Stability,  Dynamic  Stability,  Transient  Stability,  Virtual  inertia,  and
                     Protection Coordination)
                 5. 電力系統有關開關暫態突波、感應電壓、接地電流、電磁干擾等現象之分析與改善
                     技  術  (Electromagnetic  Transient  Phenomena,  Induced  Voltage,  Grounding
                     Analysis, and Mitigation Techniques)
                 6. 電力系統特性監測分析及監測系統之網路應用技術  (Power System Monitoring
                     and Internet Applications)
                 7. 電力系統調度運轉技術 (Power System Operation Techniques)
                 8. 發電機組模型參數定期量測與確認  (Technology  Platforms  for  Power  System
                     Testing and Reviewing Plans for the Parameters of Generator Models)
                 9. 電力系統驗證與測試模擬  (Power  System  Simulation  Center-Large  Network
                     System  Study,  Control  System  Validation,  and  System  Protection  Scheme
                 10. 彈  性  交  流  輸  電  系  統  之  輸  電  容  量  彈  性  調  度  應  用  技  術  (Application  of  Flexible  AC
                     Transmission System Techniques to Increase Transmission Capacity)
                 11. 極低頻電磁場相關議題資料蒐集、量測技術建立及訓練、智庫之提供 (Extremely
                     Low  Frequency  Electromagnetic  Field  Related  Issues,  Data  Collection,  and
                     Technology Service Providing)
                 12. 能源管理系統與系統分析 (Energy Management System and System Analysis)
                 13. 再生能源高滲透率之電力系統穩定度分析  (Stability  Analysis of Power System
                     with High Renewable Energy Permeability)

                                 Testing and Verification for the Parameter of Generator Models

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